Monday, 22 August 2011

A distraction!

Have been a bit delayed getting on with my course work as I yet again distracted myself with the joy of line!

Taking my favourite subject of baseball boots (why? only because I like wearing them - they make me feel like a trendy young thing!) I sat and drew some with the intention of painting them (which I did) ... got a bit carried away tho and decided to put my learning into practice of using just line and 'broke the drawing down' (I'm sure there is a technical term for that - deconstructed?) thinking I might be able to make a stencil.

Instead I ended up with an interesting line drawing of the boots, which I shall use as a stencil but then imported into my ipad and 'painted' it using "Brushes" - exported it back out and got a really pleasing result! Almost want to say "Ta daaah!!" My next step will be to have a go at putting it on a t-shirt.

The crucial bit of learning in this experiment however was the value and potential in taking one's own drawing and then doing a further drawing to 'make something of it'. I frequently read of 'prper' artists doing drawings of their subject and then taking a further drawing or painting of their drawing and have not previously seen the value in doing so. I now do. I recognise that my drawing is very crude and can hardly be held up as a good example of this practice but I have had a snap shot into the absolute value of creating something truly ones with an end product that is decidedly (albeit simplistically!) unique by doing so.

I shall remember this learning for future work - drawing and painting.

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