Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Check and log - Project Still Life

As noted in my previous postings I have had difficulties with the exercises within this project, yet perhaps not as much so with previous exercises.

My use of pastel as a medium in conveying deepness of tone, on reflection, was not wise as my lack of skill inhibited my ability to convey the deepness of tone I was seeking - however on the plus side I am at last becoming able to recognise tone!! In previous exercises I have really struggled with this and was unsure I ever would. I can feel myself genuinely improving yet remain frustrated that I cannot simply depict that which I can see. I have also discovered the value of getting the light right to develop an interesting picture - an area that requires far more practice. I will also continue to practice with pastels.

I feel the still group using line has been reasonably successful although I perhaps could have made the picture more interesting my adding more items - whilst also introducing items I have not previously tackled. The depiction of the stone in simple line however has not worked effectively - I feel it would have been better drawn in tone, with effective lighting helping to illuminate the gentle curves. I cannot be confident that a real sense of depth was conveyed by the simple line drawing either, whilst the tonal drawing was far more effective in this area.

I find myself really enjoying my drawing exercises and projects (even though the subject matter is not something that I would be naturally attracted to!) and am really appreciating how much it is impacting on my painting course as well. So, on with the next project - drawing fruit and vegetables!


  1. Hi Just saw your blog on OCA update. Great sketches, they are a joy to look at. Shame they can't be enlarged when clicked on... look forward to seeing more.

  2. Hi Jane, I've been reading your blog with interest as I am about to start the drawing course with the OCA. I like the way you analyse your drawings and I think your work is extremely good. Keep up the good work.
